Tuesday 10 April 2012

Introuction :)

Hiya everyone, welcome to my blog. If you are reading this then you have dreams of becoming an entrepreneur and would like to pursue self-employment. I literally dream every single day about one day owning multiple businesses and becoming the next female Richard Branson. :D

This blog is to share tips, ideas and experiences, I don't know everything but I will share what I have learned and what I am still learning. I will be regularly updating you on my journey to self employment and hopefully we can learn, share and progress together.

Stay tuned :)

Wura Gold

Monday 27 February 2012

Be Inspired...

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to stop dreaming of being the next Lord Sugar...or errr Lady Sugar, and start actively trying to make dreams of being a successful entrepreneur a reality. So when I discovered that the Prime Minister launched the ‘Business In You’  which is a partnership between private businesses and the Government to encourage "entrepreneurial spirit" in 2012 and promote support for start-ups and growing businesses, I saw it as a sign lol, a sign that indeed there has never been a better time to turn the dream of owning my own business into a reality.

If you are reading this and you too are an aspiring entrepreneur, then I know like me  you have spent hours dreaming about what it would be like own your own business, wake up in the morning and actually looking forward to going to work because you know it's something that you have a genuine passion for, and of course all the things you would buy with your millions ;) 

However, just dreaming about it will never turn it into a reality. You have to take action, there are so many resources out there to help people who have absolutely no clue where to start, those who have some idea and those who just need a bit of guidance along the way. So getting started is not as daunting as you may assume.

Prince's Trust Enterprise Programme
I for one am definitely taking full advantage of all the initiatives to help sme's and aspiring entrepreneurs...I have had enough of day dreaming and am ready to take those scary but exciting steps towards becoming self-employed.

I've taken the first step by signing up for The Prince's Trust Enterprise Program, (click the link above to find out if you qualify for help from The Prince's Trust ) 

I applied online and after a couple of days I received a letter informing me of who to contact in my local area. I spoke to a really friendly lady who told me that first I'd have to attend an information session where they tell us what they do and how they can hep.If I'm still interested after the info session I start a 4 day course. The info session is on 4th April so I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

Hope you my words of encouragement have left you feeling inspired...till next time :) xx